Friday, July 17, 2009

Shitcago Comcast

In this land of mediocracy and ignorance called Chicago, or Shitcago for anyone who has lived anywhere else, Comcast is king. And like most kings Comcast sucks! Comcast does not help with your problems, provide continued services, nor be held accountable for anything.

Don't get me wrong, there are some decent employees at Comcast, but the majority have no idea of how things work with Comcast they just follow the script that they are given. So Comcast after calling you 30 times in the past 30 days you are the worst company I have ever had the displeasure to be provided service by.

Comcast is my only solution for internet thus far, but when I do find another solution Comcast will know. I will have to call Comcast because to say my internet is spotty is a MAJOR understatement. Depending on what minute it is, depends on whether Comcast will decide whether or not I am worthy of having an internet connection.

My last conversation with a Comcast tech this morning when I called to ask Comcast to reset my modem again for the 4th time in 24 hours, ended with the Comcast tech telling me that she could see my modem and everything was working fine. My response to her was, "now after you logged into my modem it is working fine prior to that is was not." The Comcast tech's responded that she did not do anything, however by logging into my modem isn't that doing something?

Comcast I wish I could quit you.

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