Thursday, November 16, 2006

Get beaten up on the Trail- Chicago Style!

Yesterday's article in the RedEye confirmed what I have always felt about the train here in Chicago. Riding the train, while cheap, leaves one feeling a bit shaken up. Not only does the train pull you this way and push you that way, but the driver insists on seeing if the train can do a stoppie, not something I like to take part in.

Paying $1.75 for motion sickness isn't enough, nearly every ride I am solicited by either a 12 year old selling candy or a 40 year old that never saved for a rainy day. Either way, I feel violated and really would like them removed from the train and beaten publicly for being a nuisance. Along with all the roudy intoxicated boisterous Sox fans!

So these days I minimize the time I spend on the train as much as possible.

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30th Annual Great American Smoke Out- Butt not in Shitcago

Today is the official Great American Smoke Out. This is the 30th year the American Cancer Society is urging to smokers to take their butt out of there face for 1 day. Since moving to Shitcago, the best the midwest has to offer, I am astonished at the amount of people that smoke. Since I was 7 years old I knew smoking was bad for you, however it seems Chicagoans never got the message.

I am thankful someone had the insite to ban smoking from restaurants as of January 2006. Citizens can now taste their food and not worry about the carcinogens being inhaled. It still astonishes me how they ask about the "smoking" or non-smoking areas. All of the non-smokers get to rebreathe the smoker's pollution. The air from the smokers area does not stay there but instead is sucked up into the ventilation system, pushed through measly filters and pumped back out for everyone to suck up! Oh the joys of pollution!

Take a look at the image on the right. It is a lung with Cancer. Ooohh Weee.... makes me want to grab a pack of smokes and light up.

People get a clue. Stop smoking for at least a day. Do yourselves, your loved ones, and everyone else that has to smell your polluted air. STOP SMOKING!

--this message has been written for you from a smoke-free environment--