Saturday, July 18, 2009
So I had a confirmed appointment with Comcast yesterday for Friday evening after 5 pm to fix my ongoing internet issues caused by Comcast. When I called the Comcast agent on Wednesday she said the appointment time for Friday would send Comcast's technician out between 4 pm and before 7 pm. I let the Comcast agent know I would not be home until 5 pm so she allegedly wrote that note in the Comcast system.
Friday I received a call at 3pm from the Comcast technician saying he was outside and that he needs access to my residence to check out my Comcast internet. I let the technician know I was not at home and would not be there until 5 pm. Funny how the Comcast technician hung up on me without even letting me know if he would be coming back or not. So I called the Comcast technician back and asked if he was still going to fix my Comcast internet, the Comcast technician said he would go make a few more trouble tickets and call me back later. At 4:15 pm the same Comcast technician calls and says he is leaving his last trouble ticket and on his way over to my residence. Again I told the Comcast technician that I would not be there until 5 pm. The Comcast technician said I had an appointment at 4 pm and should be available. I let him know that I confirmed with the Comcast agent when I originally booked the appointment to have my Comcast internet fixed that I would not be available until after 5 pm and he said he didn't know if he could wait. I said fine, and the Comcast technician hung up.
About 10 minutes later I received a call from a Comcast agent about my appointment and trouble ticket. The Comcast agent asked what was going on, I told her about the 5 pm availability and she said there were no notes in the Comcast system regarding that. I told the Comcast agent of course there wasn't why would the other Comcast agent write down something like that. The calling Comcast agent asked if I am available now, I told her I would not be available until after 5 pm (for the 5th time today) and Comcast agent said she would check with the Comcast technician to see if he could wait 30 minutes until 5 pm. The Comcast agent also asked me if she could reschedule my appointment and trouble ticket for my Comcast internet for another time, specifically the following day (Saturday) between 1 pm and 4 pm. I told the Comcast agent, I would not be available (knowing full well that I could be but also knowing that I have waited up to 3 hrs after my Comcast appointment for a Comcast service technician before and not wanting to waste my full Saturday on Comcast). The Comcast agent said ok then hung up.
I did not get a call back confirmation from either the Comcast services technician or the Comcast agent about my 5 pm appointment to get my Comcast internet fixed. Neither was there any Comcast personnel at my residence when I arrived home. So my Comcast internet problem still persists for more than 3 months of having spotty Comcast internet service.
Thanks Comcast for sucking!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Shitcago Comcast
In this land of mediocracy and ignorance called Chicago, or Shitcago for anyone who has lived anywhere else, Comcast is king. And like most kings Comcast sucks! Comcast does not help with your problems, provide continued services, nor be held accountable for anything.
Don't get me wrong, there are some decent employees at Comcast, but the majority have no idea of how things work with Comcast they just follow the script that they are given. So Comcast after calling you 30 times in the past 30 days you are the worst company I have ever had the displeasure to be provided service by.
Comcast is my only solution for internet thus far, but when I do find another solution Comcast will know. I will have to call Comcast because to say my internet is spotty is a MAJOR understatement. Depending on what minute it is, depends on whether Comcast will decide whether or not I am worthy of having an internet connection.
My last conversation with a Comcast tech this morning when I called to ask Comcast to reset my modem again for the 4th time in 24 hours, ended with the Comcast tech telling me that she could see my modem and everything was working fine. My response to her was, "now after you logged into my modem it is working fine prior to that is was not." The Comcast tech's responded that she did not do anything, however by logging into my modem isn't that doing something?
Comcast I wish I could quit you.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Chicago police are videotaped beating innocent citizens
If ever you have been to Chicago you know how worthless the police are. Most of them could not chase someone more than a block without getting out of breath. Asking them to get out of their car and actually doing their job is like an act of God. Living in Chicago for just under two years I lost count the number of time I have been verbally assaulted (in my own neighborhood) and nearly run down by cars running red lights and not following the posted street signs.
Protect and Serve isn't that their mantra? Chicago Police Officer Anthony Abbate definately did not protect and serve. Infact, Abbate beat someone because they didn't serve him. Anthony Abbate is one of the few that can really open a can of whip ass. Take Anthony Abbate, a 12-year veteran was charged with felony aggravated battery in the Feb. 19 beating. There is a video that shows Abbate (a 250-pound man) attacking a 115-pound (female) bartender that refused to serve the drunk more alcohol. Anthony really showed her, next time you refuse to serve a overweight drunk another beer consider this......... do I want to be beat? The Youtube community flagged all of the videos as inappropriate for viewers under the age of 18.
"He's tarnished our image worse than anybody else in the history of the department," Police Superintendent Phil Cline said of Anthony Abbate, a 12-year veteran charged with felony aggravated battery in the Feb. 19 beating. However, it took 1 month for for Chicago Police to arrest and charge Abbate.
What is it going to take to keep Chicago safe from crime and Chicago Police Officers?
If you have an idea on what we as citizens can do to stay safe please post your comments.
Protect and Serve isn't that their mantra? Chicago Police Officer Anthony Abbate definately did not protect and serve. Infact, Abbate beat someone because they didn't serve him. Anthony Abbate is one of the few that can really open a can of whip ass. Take Anthony Abbate, a 12-year veteran was charged with felony aggravated battery in the Feb. 19 beating. There is a video that shows Abbate (a 250-pound man) attacking a 115-pound (female) bartender that refused to serve the drunk more alcohol. Anthony really showed her, next time you refuse to serve a overweight drunk another beer consider this......... do I want to be beat? The Youtube community flagged all of the videos as inappropriate for viewers under the age of 18.
"He's tarnished our image worse than anybody else in the history of the department," Police Superintendent Phil Cline said of Anthony Abbate, a 12-year veteran charged with felony aggravated battery in the Feb. 19 beating. However, it took 1 month for for Chicago Police to arrest and charge Abbate.
What is it going to take to keep Chicago safe from crime and Chicago Police Officers?
If you have an idea on what we as citizens can do to stay safe please post your comments.
Labels: Anthony Abbate, Chicago Police
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Damn it's cold outside!
It is so cold outside! Living in a decent building sure does help when you can't go outside because you are afraid you might freeze!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Get beaten up on the Trail- Chicago Style!
Yesterday's article in the RedEye confirmed what I have always felt about the train here in Chicago. Riding the train, while cheap, leaves one feeling a bit shaken up. Not only does the train pull you this way and push you that way, but the driver insists on seeing if the train can do a stoppie, not something I like to take part in.
Paying $1.75 for motion sickness isn't enough, nearly every ride I am solicited by either a 12 year old selling candy or a 40 year old that never saved for a rainy day. Either way, I feel violated and really would like them removed from the train and beaten publicly for being a nuisance. Along with all the roudy intoxicated boisterous Sox fans!
So these days I minimize the time I spend on the train as much as possible.
Paying $1.75 for motion sickness isn't enough, nearly every ride I am solicited by either a 12 year old selling candy or a 40 year old that never saved for a rainy day. Either way, I feel violated and really would like them removed from the train and beaten publicly for being a nuisance. Along with all the roudy intoxicated boisterous Sox fans!
So these days I minimize the time I spend on the train as much as possible.
30th Annual Great American Smoke Out- Butt not in Shitcago

Today is the official Great American Smoke Out. This is the 30th year the American Cancer Society is urging to smokers to take their butt out of there face for 1 day. Since moving to Shitcago, the best the midwest has to offer, I am astonished at the amount of people that smoke. Since I was 7 years old I knew smoking was bad for you, however it seems Chicagoans never got the message.
I am thankful someone had the insite to ban smoking from restaurants as of January 2006. Citizens can now taste their food and not worry about the carcinogens being inhaled. It still astonishes me how they ask about the "smoking" or non-smoking areas. All of the non-smokers get to rebreathe the smoker's pollution. The air from the smokers area does not stay there but instead is sucked up into the ventilation system, pushed through measly filters and pumped back out for everyone to suck up! Oh the joys of pollution!
Take a look at the image on the right. It is a lung with Cancer. Ooohh Weee.... makes me want to grab a pack of smokes and light up.
People get a clue. Stop smoking for at least a day. Do yourselves, your loved ones, and everyone else that has to smell your polluted air. STOP SMOKING!
--this message has been written for you from a smoke-free environment--
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Where did Fall go??

When I ask people what they like about Chicago they say, "I love living here because of the 4 Seasons." This is my second fall here, and I don't know what they are talking about. At the most there are 3 seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer, but where did Fall go?
Here is a picture I took last year that captures the one day of Fall. Fall is about crisp mornings but with a hint of warmth of the sun. Chicago serves up a bitter cold and freezing winds, not really Fall like at all.
I have been on the East Coast for Fall and Winter. Trees changing colors, smells of leaves mixed with the earth, apple cider, and the warmth of the sun. Somehow Chicago, missed all of this. Fall may visit for a day here or there, or might visit for a few hours but Fall does not reside in Chicago. Not even for an mini-holiday. Fall is more like a traveler who missed her connection at O'Hare and is just waiting around to catch the next plane.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Chicago Sucks!
As a child and adult I moved around dozens of times to several different cities. So when deciding whether or not to move to Chicago, I figured, "how bad could it be"? After a year and a half I know the answer to my question. Bad. Very Bad!
Before you say, "why don't you just leave then", I will say that I moved here for love. My partner was offered a once in a lifetime job opportunity that he could not pass up. As much as I would have loved to stay home, I decided I was up for the adventure. So, for the next 5 years I will have to endure the inadequacies of Chicago.
This blog is my way of venting publically about the daily events in Chitown that reiterate the view I have developed over the past year. If you have any alternative views please feel free to express them.
Since this is my blog I will lay down the rules for posting. If you would like to post you MUST be:
1. Respectful of the views of others.
2. Honest regarding what you say (if someone has a point you must concede that they are correct).
3. Remember how someone feels is THEIR opinion and if you don't agree say so, but do not ridicule them on their views.
4. Offer suggestions to help enlighten people or change their perspectives (nobody knows everything, your suggestion may just help someone get a new perspective).
5. Lastly, keep the poor language to a minimum. Like my mom used to say, "people cuss because they don't have the proper vocabulary to express how they are really feeling." If this is the case I recommend a Thesaurus or possibly a Dictionary to help you express you feelings in a more academic manner.
Cheers, and hope you enjoy my blog!
Before you say, "why don't you just leave then", I will say that I moved here for love. My partner was offered a once in a lifetime job opportunity that he could not pass up. As much as I would have loved to stay home, I decided I was up for the adventure. So, for the next 5 years I will have to endure the inadequacies of Chicago.
This blog is my way of venting publically about the daily events in Chitown that reiterate the view I have developed over the past year. If you have any alternative views please feel free to express them.
Since this is my blog I will lay down the rules for posting. If you would like to post you MUST be:
1. Respectful of the views of others.
2. Honest regarding what you say (if someone has a point you must concede that they are correct).
3. Remember how someone feels is THEIR opinion and if you don't agree say so, but do not ridicule them on their views.
4. Offer suggestions to help enlighten people or change their perspectives (nobody knows everything, your suggestion may just help someone get a new perspective).
5. Lastly, keep the poor language to a minimum. Like my mom used to say, "people cuss because they don't have the proper vocabulary to express how they are really feeling." If this is the case I recommend a Thesaurus or possibly a Dictionary to help you express you feelings in a more academic manner.
Cheers, and hope you enjoy my blog!